Directed by ぃやまと (LubriciouSkin / こなぐすり)
DJ SHIMAMURAによるオリジナル4thアルバム!
「Moonlight」(榊原ゆい) another song 「Sunrize -Juliet.number-」独占収録!
コラボレーションアーティスト: 榊原ゆい / MC RALLY / YUKACCO / DJ GENKI / 楽天斎 / Enjo-G
世界規模で爆発的に進化を続けるイギリス産ダンスミュージック『UK HARDCORE』の日本代表にして、すでに本国イギリスのコンピレーションCDへの多数参加や、BBC Radio 1でのヘビープレイなど、そのサウンドの評価は世界標準であるアーティスト、DJ SHIMAMURAの最新アルバム!
In the time I've known Shimamura, his music has gone from strength to strength. With this latest album (his third artist album in three years!), Shimamura fully demonstrates his aptitude for writing infectious melodies and marries it with superb, clear-cut production.
There's something for everybody here: the album kicks off with a handful of tracks juxtaposing cute Japanese vocals as provided by Yui Sakakibara and Yukacco with an authentic UK hardcore flavour, wanders into more experimental territory with the likes of "The Jams" and "Move Real Slow", and even finds room for some expertly-crafted drum 'n' bass in the form of "DRUM'N'RAVEEE" with vocal talent provided from MC Rally before arriving at the happy gabber speaker assault "Match 2 Match".
If like myself, you don't live in Japan, you must do whatever it takes to import this beast!
09/17 CLUB#9 - Fukushima
09/22 月虹舎 - Ibaraki
09/24 MOGRA - Tokyo
10/08 浅草STELLA - Tokyo
10/09 AMATE-RAXI - Tokyo
10/09 中野サンプラザ - Tokyo
10/23 渋谷ROCKWEST - Tokyo
10/30 2.5D - Tokyo
11/02 STUDIO FORUM - Tokyo
11/05 ACID PANDA CAFE - Tokyo
11/19 宇都宮STELLA - Tochigi
11/25 STUDIO FORUM - Tokyo
12/03 The PLANET - Nigata
12/04 Cafe Domina - Nagoya
12/17 ACID PANDA CAFE - Tokyo
12/23 TBA - Osaka
12/30 TBA - Ibaraki
12/31 TBA - Tokyo